Savvy Internet professional with two decades of online experience. Able to quickly review almost any website and immediately provide at-length, in-depth, actionable analysis designed to foster bottom-line growth.
Dynamic part of back-to-back successful technology company exits. Jupiter Communications (IPO) was a company that helped shape web business for multiple Fortune 1,000 clients via proprietary "online intelligence" that forecasted the future. Gained incredible experience as a very early employee with start-up - a virtual stock market for domain names, as the company was on the cutting edge of creating “community”, specifically surrounding connecting buyers and sellers (acquired by Worked at Register in New York City until moving to Portland, Oregon.
Successes achieved, coupled with the aforementioned move, allowed for a new perspective and personal evolution that lead to involvement with multiple non-profit organizations. Volunteering beget a past position as the Development Director at Oregon Literacy. A Board Member appointment with Store to Door increased the ability to make a positive impact on those in need and also was excellent in terms of attaining further executive level experience. Honored to be recognized as a "Point of Light" volunteer business consultant (top 3 out of over 1,500) with MicroMentor.
Founded and still operates All Fantastic, a full-service web firm concentrating on development, design, marketing and consulting with a wide variety of companies. Strategically analyzing business issues and crafting effective online-oriented solutions is a consistent occurrence. Keying on bringing accentuated vision to ventures is an area of strength.

Oregon Literacy
Development Director
State-wide non-profit
Register & Afternic
Director of Member Services
Domain auction platform

Jupiter Communications
Customer Service Manager
Online intelligence & analysis
I often gravitate towards science fiction, live music, the outdoors, tough crossword puzzles, financial markets, science/space and more. I donate platelets at the Red Cross every month. I endeavor to enrich myself whenever possible with drawing, being enveloped by provocative TED Talks and non-fiction books. Overall, I look to the future, I help others, I balance the classic with trends and I roll a pretty mean bocce ball.